Before deciding to uninstall Game Center, we would like to let you know that the Game Center platform is what allows users to run and enjoy the game without being restricted to using a mobile device. Uninstalling the Game Center platform will also uninstall any games downloaded and ran through it. If you are sure about this, we are sad to hear that you no longer want to play on our platform. Nevertheless, we respect your decision. You can uninstall the Game Center platform on your PC by following the steps shown below:
- Click on the Start logo → Settings and choose the Gear icon.
- Type in App in the search bar and click on Apps & Features.
- Type in Mobigame in the search bar and click on Mobigame. Click on uninstall.
- Follow the onscreen instruction to complete the uninstallation process.
Should you decide to change your mind, you are welcome to visit us again to install our games.